
This is my first time writing in a blog. As indicated by the title I will be focusing on books that I've read. I have strong passion for reading and I like to share my thoughts on books. So I will be stepping into the different books and genres that I've read. Some posts will be positive and others maybe negative. I don't read a lot of books that I don't like but when I do, I like to let people know so I can save them some time.

Anyway, feel free to comment on anything and let me know what you think, whether you agree or disagree, I want to hear about it.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Road

The Road:

This was one of those books that I decided I had to read the moment I heard about it. It turned out to be one of the greatest books I've ever read, and Cormac McCarthy has since become my favorite writer.

I received the book for Christmas last year, and finished the book in two days. It was one of those books that does not allow you to put it down. There is something in the way that McCarthy writes that draws you into a story in a way that I've never seen another writer do. It is a story that doesn't rely on fast-paced action to grip you. Instead it pulls you into the characters and the dramatic situation they've been throw in.

The books tells the story of a post-apocalyptic world that has been reduced to ashes by some catastrophe. It is about a man and his son and their survival and search for happiness in a place of death and misery.

This is also one of those rare books, that has a great movie to go along with it. The movie was made with the perfect feel to accompany the book and Viggo Mortensen was the ideal actor for the part of the father.

The Road is an excellent narrative that builds stark contrasts of light in a world of absolute darkness. It gives momentous power to even the simplest events, like a father giving his son a Coke. If you have not read this book, go get it now and start. It stands as one of the greatest works of modern times.


  1. I had mixed feelings about the book. It was very compelling and I too read it in about 24 hours but at the same time it was really hard to swallow (which is part of what makes it great I suppose). I didn't care for the movie at all though. I don't know if it's your style but I really loved "Life as we knew it". It's another great end of the world, struggling to survive story.

  2. Well, I'm happy to know I'm the one who recommended one of the greatest books ever to you! McCarthy has a haunting and compelling style of writing that fills you yet at the same time leaves you wanting more. Characters are familiar and rich, yet distant enough to keep us guessing. I see a trend and am beginning to feel like I'm the fish, the book is the bait and McCarthy is the fisherman.
